Are you looking to connect your Facebook and Instagram accounts and increase your social media following? Adding your Instagram link to your Facebook bio makes it easy for your Facebook friends and followers to find and follow your Instagram account.

In this post, we’ll walk you through the simple steps on how to put your Instagram link in your Facebook bio and share tips for optimizing your Instagram link for maximum engagement. Whether you’re a business owner looking to expand your social media presence or simply someone who wants to connect with friends and family, this post is for you.

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Create your own free link in bio page

Ready to simplify your online presence?
With Pushbio, you can;

How to add an Instagram link to your Facebook bio

Adding your Instagram link to your Facebook bio is the easiest way to link both social media platforms. However, to do this, you must copy your Instagram profile link first. After copying your Instagram profile link, you can use simple steps to connect your accounts. Here’s how to do it:

  • Log in to your Facebook account and navigate to your profile page;
  • Click on the “Edit Profile” button located beneath your profile picture;
  • Click on the “Contact and Basic Info” option;
  • Scroll down to the “Website” section and click on the “Edit” button;
  • In the “Website” field, enter your Instagram profile URL;
  • Click on the “Save” button to update your profile;

That’s it; your Instagram link is now visible in your Facebook bio. Now, whenever someone clicks on the link, they’ll be directed straight to your Instagram profile, where they can follow you and stay updated with your latest posts.


Tips for Optimizing Your Instagram Link in Your Facebook Bio

Optimizing your Instagram link in your Facebook bio can help increase your social media following and engagement. Following these tips, you can optimize your Instagram link in your Facebook bio and make the most of your social media presence.

Remember, your Facebook bio is often the first thing people see when they visit your profile, so make sure it’s clear, concise, and engaging. Here are some tips for optimizing your Instagram link in your Facebook bio:

1. Shorten your link

Shortening your Instagram link can make it easier to remember and share. You can use a link shorteners tool like Pushbio to create a custom, shorter link that’s easy to remember and share.

2. Customize your link

You can customize the link using a link shortener to match your brand or business name. For example, if your Instagram username is @Pushbio, you can create a custom link like “” or “” that redirects to your Instagram profile.

3. Include a call-to-action

Encourage your Facebook friends and followers to click on your Instagram link by adding a call-to-action in your bio. For example, you can say, “Follow me on Instagram for more updates!” or “Check out my latest posts on Instagram!”.

4. Use emojis

Emojis can draw attention to your Instagram link and make it more visually appealing. For example, you can use the Instagram logo or a camera emoji to make your link stand out.

5. Test different links

You can test different links to see which gets the most clicks if you have multiple Instagram accounts or pages. You can add UTM parameters to your links to track clicks and analyze your performance.

Why you should link your Instagram account to your Facebook bio

Knowing how to add Instagram link to Facebook can benefit individuals and businesses. It allows you to create a stronger online presence and achieve your social media goals. Here are some of the major benefits:

1. Increased social media following

Linking your Instagram account to your Facebook bio can make it easier for your Facebook friends and followers to find and follow your Instagram account. This can increase your social media following and engagement.

2. Improved cross-promotion

Cross-promoting your Instagram account on Facebook can help you reach a wider audience and increase your brand or business exposure. By sharing your latest Instagram posts on Facebook, you can drive more traffic to your Instagram account and increase engagement.

3. Consistent branding

Linking your Instagram account to your Facebook bio can help you maintain a consistent brand image across both platforms. You can build a cohesive and recognizable brand image by using the same profile picture, cover photo, and bio on both platforms.

4. Improved SEO

Linking your Instagram account to your Facebook bio can also improve your search engine optimization (SEO). By linking to your Instagram account, you create another online presence that can appear in search results and increase your online visibility.

5. Greater social media insights

By linking your Instagram account to your Facebook business page, you can access detailed insights and analytics about your social media performance. This can help you track your progress and make informed decisions about your social media strategy.

How to share Instagram posts on Facebook

It’s possible to share your Instagram posts on your Facebook page. To use this feature, you must install the Instagram app on your Android or iPhone device. To add accounts to your Accounts Center, follow these steps:

  • Log into the Instagram account you want to add;
  • Click on the “More” menu located in the bottom left corner of the screen;
  • From the drop-down menu, select “Settings“;
  • On the left-hand side of the screen, click on “Accounts Center“;
  • Select “Accounts & Profiles“;
  • Click “Add Accounts” and follow the instructions displayed on the screen;

Once you have added your accounts to the Accounts Centre, you can easily share your Instagram posts on Facebook.


Following the steps outlined in this post can help you add IG link in FB profile in just a few clicks. Linking your Instagram account to your Facebook bio is a great way to increase your brand or personal exposure, maintain a consistent brand image, and access detailed insights about your social media performance.


Consolidate your online presence, boost engagement, and start growing your audience with a single link