TikTok has become a powerhouse of creativity, and mastering the effects available on it can take your videos to the next level. Making your videos pop with creativity and adding effects is a game-changer. Whether you want to amp up your content during recording or spice it up afterward, TikTok has a range of fantastic effects and editing tools.

From funky filters to eye-catching text overlays and even green screen backgrounds, there are endless possibilities to make your TikTok content more engaging and dynamic. However, creators are always searching for more. And many often want to know about how to get more effects on TikTok.

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Are you looking to spice up your TikTok videos with eye-catching effects that make your content stand out? These practical tips and tricks will help you effortlessly get more effects on TikTok.

How to add TikTok Effects to your video

TikTok creators can enhance their videos with captivating effects that engage their audience and elevate such content. To add the impact to TikTok, follow these steps:

  • Start by tapping the Plus (+) icon in the center of the bottom menu. Then, choose between recording a new video or uploading an existing one.

Start by tapping the Plus (+) icon in the center of the bottom menu. Then, choose between recording a new video or uploading an existing one

  • Navigate to the Effects option from the menu;

Navigate to the Effects option from the menu

  • The app will display a live preview of your video along with a timeline below it. Use the white marker on the timeline to set where you want an effect to begin;
  • Tap on an effect to apply it to your video. Effects are categorized and displayed as icons under the timeline, with various options available;

Tap on an effect to apply it to your video. Effects are categorized and displayed as icons under the timeline, with various options available. Swipe left or right to browse through the available effects

  • Swipe left or right to browse through the available effects;

Swipe left or right to browse through the available effects

  • After applying an effect, tap the Play button to preview the video with the Effect. If you’re not satisfied, you can easily undo the Effect by tapping the undo button;
  • Continue adding more effects to different parts of your video or layer them on top of existing effects to create a unique visual experience;
  • Once you’re happy with the effects, tap Save. Make any final adjustments or edits you desire, and then proceed to the next step;

How to Get More Effects on TikTok 1

The above steps let you transform your TikTok content into engaging and visually appealing videos. These can then capture the attention of your audience and showcase your creativity.

How to get more Effects on TikTok

Although TikTok Effects are tools that help you create unique videos that stand out, some creators might feel they need more. Thankfully, it’s possible to get more effects on TikTok by employing a number of means.

Creators on TikTok can use these means to get more Effects on the platform:

1. Explore the Effects Library

The Effect library on TikTok is a treasure trove of these wonderful tools. It shows you all the Effects currently available.

Here is how to get to the Effects library:

  • Open the TikTok app and go to the video creation screen;
  • Tap on the “Effects” button located next to the recording button;
  • Browse through various categories like Trending, New, and Special Effects;
  • Click on an effect thumbnail to preview it, then tap “Use this effect” to apply it to your video.

2. Create custom Effects using TikTok’s mobile effect editor

The mobile effect editor on TikTok empowers creators to craft effects within the app itself. This feature provides a seamless and comprehensive effect creation process on TikTok, making effect creation accessible to everyone regardless of their expertise or resources.

With this, creators can become Effective creators and contribute to TikTok trends with ease. To create Effects on TikTok:

  • Open the Effects tray;
  • Go to the Create tab;
  • Tap on the plus (+) button;
  • Add an object to start creating;
  • Once satisfied, save the custom effect and apply it to your video.

3. Utilize trending Effects from other videos

Another method of getting more Effects on TikTok is to check out other videos. This way, you will be able to discover trending effects that you can also use in your videos.

To find and use cool effects on TikTok, follow these simple steps:

  • Tap on “Discover” at the bottom left corner of the screen. A magnifying glass icon represents it;
  • Search for a video that showcases the Effect you want to add to your video. If you’ve already seen a video with the Effect you like, you can search for that specific video. Otherwise, try searching for different keywords to explore various videos with cool effects;
  • Tap on the search bar at the top of the screen and type in your search query;
  • Browse through the search results and tap on a video that interests you. This will open the video;
  • Look for the effect button in the lower-left corner of the screen. It will be positioned above the username and will have a yellow icon;
  • Tap on the effect button to view examples of the Effect being used in the video;
  • To use the Effect, tap the red video button at the bottom of the screen. This action will take you to your camera with the selected Effect loaded and ready to use.
  1. 4. Using Snapchat Effect on TikTok

Alternatively, TikTok creators can enhance their videos with Effects available on Snapchat (another social media platform).

To access fun Snapchat effects and use them in your TikTok videos, follow these simple steps:

  • Launch Snapchat on your Android, iPhone, or iPad device;
  • Tap the smiley face icon located at the bottom-right corner of the camera screen. This action will open the Lens carousel at the bottom of the screen;
  • Tap on a Lens from the carousel to test it out. Lenses are entertaining Effects that can change your face appearance, alter your voice, or transport you to different environments. Scroll left through the carousel to explore more Lenses and see how they transform your look;
  • For more variety, tap the Explore option at the bottom-right corner to discover effects created by other Snapchat users. You might find unique effects here that haven’t been seen on TikTok yet;
  • Once you’ve chosen a Lens and are ready to record, tap and hold the capture button (the large circle at the bottom-center of the screen). You can lift your finger to stop recording when you’re done;
  • After recording, tap the Save button (downward-pointing arrow near the bottom-right corner of the video) to save the video to your device’s camera roll or gallery;
  • You’ve successfully recorded and saved your video with Snapchat effects. You can now exit the Snapchat app and proceed to upload your creatively enhanced video to TikTok;
  • Open TikTok and tap the “+” button to create a new video;
  • Upload the video with the Snapchat Effect from your device;
  • Edit and enhance the video further using TikTok’s editing features.

5. Leverage other video editing tools

If, for whatever reason, you still can’t find the perfect Effect for your TikTok video after using all the above methods, you can turn to this as a last resort. Third-party editing tools can help you with excellent Effects that you can add to your TikTok video.

Use third-party video editing apps like InShotCapCut, or Adobe Premiere Rush. Edit your video and add effects, filters, and transitions using the chosen editing tool. Once you are done, save the edited video to your device and add it to TikTok.

How to remove TikTok Effects from a video

After filming and editing your TikTok video, you might realize that you need to correct the wrong effects or want to make changes. Fortunately, TikTok offers a way to edit your video and remove the Effect without starting over so long as your video remains in draft.

Drafts are a convenient way to store and edit content that you can come back to later. Here’s how you can remove effects from your TikTok drafts:

  • Open TikTok and tap the profile icon at the bottom-right corner;
  • Go to Drafts and select the video with the effects you want to remove;
  • On the editing screen, choose Effects;
  • Tap the Undo icon to remove all the effects from the video. You may need to tap it multiple times if there are several effects;
  • Tap Next to save your changes.

How to efficiently use Effects on TikTok

TikTok Effects are significant in helping your videos stand out from the crowd. However, not all Effects will work well for your videos. Knowing how and when to use them is a crucial aspect of leveraging these incredible tools.

To help you get the most from TikTok Effects, here are some tips to guide your usage:

1. Choose Effects that complement your content

When using effects on TikTok, it’s essential to select ones that enhance your content rather than distract from it. Creators need to consider the theme, mood, and message of their video and choose effects that align with these elements. For example, if you’re creating a funny video, opt for lighthearted and playful impacts that add to the humor.

2. Use Effects purposefully

While effects can add visual interest to your TikTok videos, using them excessively can overwhelm viewers. Instead, use effects sparingly and strategically to highlight critical moments or enhance specific parts of your video. This approach keeps your content engaging without overshadowing the main message or storyline.

3. Experiment with different Effects

Feel free to experiment with various effects available on TikTok. Try out different transitions and animations to discover what works best for your content style. Exploring different effects can add variety to your videos and keep your audience engaged with fresh visuals.

4. Consider audience preferences

When using effects on TikTok, remember your audience. Please think of the types of impact that resonate with your viewers and align with their interests. Pay special attention to feedback and engagement metrics to gauge which effects receive positive responses and add them to your future content strategy.

Are TikTok Effects the same as Filters?

While TikTok effects and filters are related and often used interchangeably, they refer to slightly different features within the app.

Effects on TikTok typically encompass a broader range of enhancements that go beyond simple color or lighting adjustments. These effects can include special effects, animations, transitions, and augmented reality (AR) elements that can significantly alter the appearance and behavior of elements within the video.

Filters, on the other hand, are a specific type of Effect that primarily focuses on modifying the color tones, lighting, and overall visual style of the video. They can be used to create different moods, enhance facial features, or add artistic effects such as vintage or black-and-white styles.

Can you remove Effects from someone else’s TikTok video?

No, TikTok does not provide a feature that allows users to remove effects from someone else’s TikTok video. Once a video is uploaded and published on TikTok, the effects applied to that video are permanent and cannot be removed or edited by other users.

In the end

Creativity and innovation play a crucial role in effectively using Effects on TikTok. With a number of ways of getting more Effects, creators can think outside the box to leverage Effects to tell engaging stories. Creators shouldn’t hesitate to try new effects, combinations, and customization options to add a unique flair to their videos and captivate their audience.


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