Instagram is an excellent platform to meet people, follow their brand, and interact with them without undergoing too much procedure. You must have seen on various post on Instagram with the caption “link in bio”. In this post, you will learn about how to find a link in someone’s bio on Instagram. 

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Create your own free link in bio page

Ready to simplify your online presence?
With Pushbio, you can;

Many people and businesses use their bio section to promote their brands and products with a bio link. And since it’s not possible to add a clickable link on Instagram comments and post, so businesses and individuals will add the term “link in bio” after their caption. This is to notify their followers they have updated their bio with the link to the product or offer.

Steps to find a link in someone’s bio on Instagram

On every Instagram account, there is a section known as Instagram bio. The Instagram bio is a section that gives you short information about an individual or a company on Instagram. It is a place that followers get the details that enables them to know a person, their activities on Instagram, the brand they promote, and a few other information which includes website links.

When it comes to how to find a link in someone’s bio on Instagram, when you land on the account, the profile section will welcome you and there contains the bio link you are looking for. But in the case you are already following the account and you want to check the new link which they have updated, then you need to follow the simple procedure highlighted below.

  1. Click on the person’s profile. This profile is a section that is called Instagram Bio.
  2. Check the Instagram profile for a link that is clickable. This link can lead to a website, video or music content.
  3. Normally, the bio link will appear in blue. Click the link on the Instagram bio. You will be taken to any website or blog the person is linking the clickable link to.

For Instagram users using bio link tool

If you are checking out a profile using a link-in bio tool such as Pushbio to add links to its bio section, then you will have to perform the following additional steps:

  • When you click the link in the bio, you will be directed to a landing page with multiple links;
  • Check through the multiple links to spot the one you need;
  • When you locate your preferred link, click on it to redirect to the page. 

Tips for finding a link in someone’s bio on Instagram

1. Look for clickable icons or text in the bio section

When you’re searching for a link in someone’s Instagram bio, it’s important to keep an eye out for clickable icons or text. Some users may include icons that represent the type of link they’re sharing, such as a camera icon for a photography website or a shopping cart icon for an online store. By looking for clickable icons or text, you can easily find the link you’re looking for without having to search through the entire bio.

2. Check for shortened links or URLs that are not easily recognizable

Sometimes, Instagram users will share a shortened link in their bio, making it harder for you to recognize where the link leads. Shortened links are often used to save space in a bio or to track clicks on a link.

However, they can also be used to mask malicious or spammy links, so it’s important to be cautious when clicking on them. To verify the safety of a shortened link, you can use a URL safe checker tool to see where the link leads before clicking on it. Alternatively, you can try searching for the domain name in a search engine to get an idea of the website’s content and reputation.

3. Look for keywords in the bio that may indicate the type of link being shared

Some Instagram users may not include a clickable icon or text in their bio, but they may still give you a clue as to what type of link they’re sharing through the use of keywords. For example, a user who is promoting a fitness coaching business may include keywords such as “fitness,” “health,” or “wellness” in their bio.

A user who is promoting a music streaming service may include keywords such as “music,” “streaming,” or the name of the service they’re promoting. By looking for keywords in the bio, you can get a better idea of the type of link being shared and can search for it accordingly.

Wrap Up

By now, you have the answer to the question: how to find a link in someone’s bio on Instagram. Locating a link in someone’s bio on Instagram is simple and important as well. This is because links give more information about a person or organization such as what they do, their contact information to reach them, as well as other relevant information about their latest activities and contents.


Consolidate your online presence, boost engagement, and start growing your audience with a single link