Making the most of your social media platforms is a sure way to boost your online presence and engage with your audience like never before. And guess what? You can now bridge the gap between Twitter and Instagram by effortlessly sharing your Twitter links on your Instagram story. Are you ready to unlock the secrets of how to share Twitter link on Instagram story?

Whether you’re a budding influencer looking to expand your reach, a business trying to promote your latest tweet, or simply someone who loves sharing cool stuff with friends, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll show you the ropes on how to share Twitter links on your Instagram story. It’s fun, it’s effective, and it’s easier than you might think.

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Steps to share Twitter link on Instagram Story

Regardless of whether you are an iPhone or an Android user, you can easily sprinkle a bit of Twitter magic into your Instagram Stories. While this sounds awesome, it’s important to note that you can only include a single Link sticker in each of your Instagram Stories. This sticker is your golden ticket to guiding your audience to any Twitter destination you desire, whether it’s a tweet, a profile, or even a list.

Now, let’s break it down into simple steps:

  • First things first, grab the link you want to share from Twitter;
  • Open your Instagram app and get ready to craft your Story;
  • Navigate to your Instagram Story creation screen by swiping left on your home page;

How to Share Twitter Link on Instagram Story

  • Decide whether you want to use an image from your phone’s gallery or create a text background by tapping the “Aa” button;
  • To sprinkle some Instagram magic, swipe up or click on the Smiley face icon at the screen’s top;

click on the Smiley Sticker icon

  • Among the sticker options, you’ll see the “Link” choice. Click on it;

click on the link icon

  • In the space provided, paste the Twitter link you copied earlier;

input your URL

  • Hit the “done” button, which you’ll find at the top-right corner of the screen;

How to Share Twitter Link on Instagram Story 1

  • Last but not least, post your Story so that your audience can effortlessly access your Twitter link.

How to Share Twitter Link on Instagram Story

With these straightforward steps, your Instagram and Twitter worlds collide in no time, making your social media presence even more dynamic and engaging.

How to share tweets to Instagram Stories

While sharing Twitter links to Instagram Stories makes for a great way to drive traffic across both platforms, users can also give Instagram audiences a quick glimpse of their favorite tweets. Here is how to use this method:

  • Open up your Twitter app on your  device;
  • Find a public tweet that you want to share. If the tweet is protected, unfortunately, this won’t work;

share tweets to Instagram Stories

  • After finding the tweet, tap the “Copy Link” icon to save the tweet’s link;

share the tweets to Instagram Stories

  • Go back to the share icon in the tweet, but this time, select “Instagram Stories”

How to share tweets to Instagram Stories


  • The tweet will appear as a sticker on your Instagram Story;

How to share tweets to Instagram Stories

  • You have creative freedom here. Write on top of the tweet, add more stickers, or whatever suits your style;

share Tweets to Instagram Stories

  • If you want to include a link, tap the smiley face icon at the top of your screen and select the link option;

click on the link icon

  • Simply paste the tweet link you copied earlier and hit “done”;

click done after pasting the link

  • To share your tweet, tap “Send to”;

how to share tweets to Instagram Stories

  • Check the box next to “Your Story” to complete the process in the small menu that pops up.

Why can’t I share tweets on Instagram Stories?

Instagram and Twitter are distinct social media platforms offering unique features and purposes. Both allow users to share content, but there are moments when sharing becomes challenging. These hurdles typically arise due to technical issues on either platform or network problems on the user’s end. Moreover, if a tweet falls under the protective cloak of its author’s privacy settings, sharing it on your Instagram Stories becomes impossible. 

Best practices for sharing Twitter links to Instagram Stories

1. Timing your Instagram Story

Timing is everything when sharing your Twitter link on your Instagram Story. Imagine posting your Story when most of your followers are asleep or busy. Your link might get lost in the crowd. Consider when your audience is most active on Instagram to make the most impact. It could be during lunch breaks, evenings, or weekends. Check your Instagram Insights for data on your followers’ online patterns.

You can also align your Story with events, holidays, or trending topics. For instance, if you’re sharing a tweet about a new tech gadget, post it during a tech conference or product launch. Timing your Story right can boost engagement and ensure your Twitter link gets the attention it deserves.

2. Creating eye-catching visuals

Visuals are your secret weapon for grabbing attention on Instagram. When sharing a Twitter link on your Story, ensure your visuals are top-notch. Start with a compelling image or video. It should relate to your tweet or the message you want to convey. Use high-quality photos and consider using filters or editing tools to make them pop.

Don’t forget to use Instagram’s creative features like stickers, GIFs, and polls if they make sense for your content. These can make your Story more engaging and interactive. Remember, the first impression is crucial. Your visuals should entice viewers to tap on that Twitter link sticker. So, invest some time crafting eye-catching and relevant visuals for your Story.

3. Crafting compelling captions

Your Instagram Story caption can bridge your visuals and your Twitter link. Craft it carefully. Your caption should provide context and encourage viewers to swipe up and explore your tweet. Keep it concise and engaging. Use emojis to add personality and make your caption visually appealing.

You can also ask a question or create curiosity in your caption. For example, “Wondering what’s happening in the tech world? Swipe up to find out!” This can entice viewers to take action and tap on your Twitter link sticker. Remember, your caption is your storytelling tool, so make it compelling and relevant to your tweet.

4. Engaging with your audience

Engagement is the heart of social media. Don’t sit back and relax once you’ve shared your Twitter link on your Instagram Story. Engage with your audience. Respond promptly when viewers respond to your Story with comments or direct messages. This shows that you’re accessible and interested in what they have to say.

Consider running polls or Q&A sessions related to your tweet. This encourages interaction and helps you gather valuable feedback and insights from your audience. Engagement isn’t a one-time effort. Keep the conversation going, build relationships, and foster a loyal community around your content. When your audience feels valued, they’re likelier to follow your Twitter link and stay connected with your updates.

In a nutshell

Sharing your Twitter links on Instagram Stories lets you leverage the strengths of both platforms. You can give your Instagram audience the chance to get a sneak peek into your Twitter content. After sharing your links, don’t forget to encourage your audience to follow you on both Twitter and Instagram to stay updated on your content.


Consolidate your online presence, boost engagement, and start growing your audience with a single link